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Black mangrove

Art.nr: 3178.500
Normalt 3 - 4 ukers leveringstid

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Various types of mangrove have been used in aquarism for a long time already. The black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) has the advantage that it needs little air humidity only for its growth. This particular type has been selected especially for its ideal and fast growth on the side of the basin of an aquarium.
The black mangrove is supplied as seeds or small plants for the exclusive use in saltwater. In the packaging, it can be transported for about ten days. Availability depends on season.

Important notes:
Plant the sprout or seeds of the black mangrove with the tip pointing upwards! At delivery, the sprout can have different sizes!
The black mangrove may only be used in seawater!
When used in fresh water, the seed or the sprout will die!
For good mangrove growth, the room temperature should not be below 10°C (50°F)!
Black Mangrove thrives best at natural humidity, which is normally present in an aquarium!
Excess salt diffuses via the leaves of a mangrove, therefore they should be sprayed with fresh water approx. once a week!

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